WIND ADVISORY – 3/5/2025
WIND ADVISORY TAYLOR COUNTY, KY 4 PM TUESDAY MARCH 4 TO 7 PM WEDNESDAY MARCH 5 South winds 15 to 30 mph with occasional gusts between 40 to 50 mph with localized gusts 60 MPH expected.
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WIND ADVISORY TAYLOR COUNTY, KY 4 PM TUESDAY MARCH 4 TO 7 PM WEDNESDAY MARCH 5 South winds 15 to 30 mph with occasional gusts between 40 to 50 mph with localized gusts 60 MPH expected.
REVISED TO FRIDAY MARCH 7 Reminder of the State-wide Tornado Drill this Friday March 7, 2025 at 10:07 AM EST.
TO: Local Media Partners FROM: Chief Taylor DATE: 2-12-2025 SUBJECT: Potential Flooding Event This Weekend Campbellsville Fire-Rescue personnel are urging residents to take precautions as weather forecasts indicate a high potential for localized flash flooding and river flooding for this weekend. Mayor Benningfield is monitoring the situation and has been